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WHBC Students Achieve Outstanding Results in the 2024 UK Senior Mathematical Challenge (SMC)!

Author:WHBC   Source:WHBC   Browse:266   Edit date:2024-10-31

The results of the 2024 UK Senior Mathematical Challenge (SMC) have recently been announced, and WHBC students have excelled in the high school category. Notably, there was a significant increase in the number of gold medal winners, along with a substantial rise in recipients of silver and bronze medals. This once again highlights the impressive mathematical prowess of WHBC students!

Congratulations to the following students for their remarkable achievements in this competition. In addition to the gold, silver, and bronze awards, special honors were awarded to the top-ranking student in the school and the top-ranking student in each respective grade. The complete list of awardees is as follows: 


Best Student in the School: Qiao Qianzhi, Shi Weijie


Best Student in Grade: Gu Chenxi (Grade 10), Jiang Yijing (Grade 12)


Gold Medal: Qiao Qianzhi, Shi Weijie, Mei Miaoru, Zhang Ruixian, Su Bingrong, Liu Enming, Gu Chenxi, Liu Yipeng, Hu Ziyang, Zhou Yuanhongyu, Xiao Liyang, Chen Yundu, Hu Zichang, Cheng Zimo, Chen Moyu, Luo Hanlin, Guo Jiaqin, Hu Didan, Feng Yuxin, Zhang Ziming, Zhou Linhao, Li Yuanhan, Tang Shuo


Silver Medal: Jiang Yijing, Xiong Bingyi, Wang Yinuo, Yuan Weijie, Li Yingfan, Yan Zihan, Deng Xujun, He Ruiling, Wang Zixuan, Huang Feilan, Zhu Ruoxi, Xiao Yian, Yang Shuwen


Bronze Medal: Hu Boyu, Hu Boyu, Peng Zhenni, Chen Guo, Gao Peifei, Zhu Zixuan, Zhu Shuyan, Yang Fuling


What is UKMT-SMC?


Founded in 1996, the UK Mathematics Trust (UKMT) aims to promote mathematics education among young people. To accomplish this, the trust collaborates with hundreds of volunteers across the UK to organize competitions for students aged 11 to 18. These competitions encourage problem-solving, teamwork, and a diverse range of mathematical activities. The events inspire students to apply logical reasoning, develop analytical thinking, and use fundamental mathematical methods to tackle engaging and innovative problems.


Senior Mathematical Challenge 

The Senior Mathematical Challenge (SMC) is a precursor to the British Mathematical Olympiad (BMO). It promotes mathematical reasoning, precision in thought, and the fluent application of basic mathematical techniques to solve intriguing problems. Targeted at students aged 16 to 19, the SMC allows the top performers to qualify for the BMO, with high-ranking students having the opportunity to represent the UK in the selection process for the International Mathematical Olympiad.

The competition typically covers a range of topics, including geometry (primarily plane geometry), number theory, and combinatorics, while also incorporating a few algebraic problems and applied questions. Most problems are of moderate difficulty, with some being quite challenging, but they do not require advanced mathematical knowledge.



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