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作者:英中学校    来源:本站原创  点击数:2091  更新时间:2024-10-10



"Every blade of grass and tree conveys emotions; every wall and corner nurtures minds."On the WHBC campus, there's a captivating place known as the Art Corridor. Not only does it showcase the school's international character, but it also serves as an important space for aesthetic education.


Walking through the Art Corridor feels like stepping into a museum. The works on display cover a wide range of themes, from the innocence of childhood and the beauty of nature to the mystery of fantasy. The pieces include traditional Chinese painting, acrylics, clay, paper cutting, tie-dye, and more, with each artwork bursting with creativity. The students boldly explore different artistic techniques and forms of expression.

瞧,在插画设计《amazing shoes》中,李安冉同学巧妙地将潮流鞋履元素与拼贴艺术相融合,创造出一种新颖独特的视觉语言。通过其敏锐的视角和丰富的想象力,日常生活中的点滴细节被赋予了全新的艺术生命。

Take, for example, the illustration “Amazing Shoes” by student Li Anran, where trendy sneaker designs are cleverly combined with collage art, creating a fresh and unique visual language. Through her sharp eye and rich imagination, the details of everyday life are given new artistic meaning.


Another standout is the pottery club’s “Bronze Ware” project, where students use lightweight clay to replicate various types of ancient bronze artifacts—solemn ceremonial pots, sharp weapons, elegant wine vessels, and even ancient currency like cowrie shells and knife coins. They didn’t just recreate the shapes; they adorned their pieces with intricate animal and geometric patterns, capturing the wisdom and artistry of ancient cultures. Through these creations, the students seem to travel back in time, connecting with history while preserving a precious cultural heritage.


In the fashion design piece “Dinner,” student Yang Zhaohan provides a brilliant interpretation of fashion art. This young designer skillfully blends different elements of clothing into a collage, demonstrating an eye for style, proportion, and line, and creating a fresh visual experience. 


Xu Ziyi’s “Collage Plants” brings together papers with different patterns and textures, combining unexpected materials into a harmonious whole through clever choices of shapes and colors. Each piece adds to the vibrancy of the corridor, turning the walls into sparkling canvases.

古人云:“兴于诗,立于礼,成于乐。” 美育,绝非仅是艺术教育的单一呈现,它更是快乐教育、人格教育与创造力教育的完美融合。好的美育能培育孩子们细腻的情感感知力,让他们能如古人般自然地生出 “悲落叶于劲秋,喜柔条于芳春” 的情愫,也能使他们拥有感知世界的独立思考能力,亦能获得源自内心的快乐。当他们在生活中遭遇挫折、陷入迷茫时,凭借感知美的能力,便能拥有坚定的内心力量,从容消解负面情绪。

As the ancients said, "Inspired by poetry, established by etiquette, perfected by music." Aesthetic education is much more than just art; it’s a blend of joyful learning, character development, and creativity. Good aesthetic education sharpens students' emotional awareness, helping them experience emotions like “sorrow for falling leaves in autumn, joy for budding branches in spring,” much like the ancient scholars. It also encourages independent thinking and cultivates genuine happiness. When students face challenges in life, their ability to appreciate beauty can provide them with inner strength to handle difficulties with grace.


The Art Corridor offers a vibrant stage for students to express themselves, explore beauty through creativity, and reflect on beauty through observation. Here, students can fully unleash their creativity, freely expressing their thoughts, experimenting with various artistic forms, and constantly challenging themselves. Moreover, the Art Corridor serves as a platform for learning and communication, allowing students to appreciate and learn from each other, fostering collective growth.