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作者:英中学校    来源:本站原创  点击数:3644  更新时间:2024-10-01



On a crisp autumn evening, with a gentle breeze in the air, the annual Club Carnival kicked off amid eager anticipation. The vibrant red and blue booths were bustling with crowds as freshmen explored, looking for their perfect fit for the next three years. Juniors and seniors led games and charity sales, filling the campus with youthful energy. On the open lawn, talent and dreams came together; no matter how unique your interests, there's always a "dream club" for you. With like-minded people sharing the same goals, even the smallest spark can ignite something great. Hundreds of clubs were spread across five main areas—games, charity sales, exhibitions, performances, and DIY—creating a festive atmosphere of academics, culture, arts, performance, and sports.


Club Carnival Playground Scene


Club Carnival Map


Club Carnival Poster

· 展示区和DIY区

· Exhibition and DIY Zones


Upon entering the teaching building, the exhibition and DIY areas were full of energy: the Star Wars Club wielded lightsabers, guiding students through a sci-fi world; the Chemistry Club turned abstract textbook concepts into fascinating demonstrations; the Animation Production Club revealed the magic behind each frame; the LOMO Photography Club captured the beauty of everyday life through their lenses. At the Poetry Corner, the power of words resonated deeply, while the Robotics Club showcased the wonders of technology on campus. Meanwhile, the Model United Nations Club discussed current events, inviting students to explore the world. 


Chemistry Club Conducting Experiments


Model United Nations Club


Robotics Club's displays their recent projects

推开两侧的教室门,每一扇背后都藏着无数的惊喜。桌游社让同学们团团围坐;摆烂和cos社将多元的动漫文化互相融合;同学们在环境科学社的展板上摁下手印,诉说着protect our earth的愿望。

Behind each classroom door hides a new surprise. The Board Game Club gathered in circles to explore new challenges; the Casual and Cosplay Clubs dressed up and blended diverse anime cultures; students left their handprints on the Environmental Science Club's display, expressing their wishes to "protect our earth."


A student writes a wish for the “Protect the Earth” Activity


Students Engaging in Various Club Activities

· 义卖区和游戏区

· Charity Sale and Games Zones


The game and charity areas beside the football field were especially lively. The Weapons Club's impressive displays caught the attention of everyone who passed by, while the collaboration between the Furry Club and the Animal Alliance shared their mission to protect stray animals through adorable costumes. Nearly everyone held a bouquet from the Floral Club, which showcased both the beauty of floral design and the students' aesthetic sense. Girl Up Club advocated for gender equality, informing and encouraging more people to focus on this important issue and inspiring a sense of social awareness.


Academic clubs like ACC, Law, Philosophy, History, English Literature, Math, and Computer Science not only bridged gaps in classroom learning but also enhanced students' extracurricular knowledge. The Anzhi Book Club and 1+1 Charity Club focused on social welfare, fostering connections with the community and encouraging empathy for others' experiences. Sports clubs such as badminton, flag football, tennis, and frisbee allowed students to enjoy the excitement of competition, with the sounds of running and cheering bringing energy to the campus.


Plenty of Materials Prepared by Each Club


Weapons Club Showcasing their Battle Tactics


FURRY Club Promotional Activity


Animal Alliance Charity Sale


Floral Club Selling Bouquets


ACE Business Club


Flag Football Club


History Club

· 表演区

· Performance Zone

最瞩目的当属表演区,篮球场被热情的观众紧紧环绕,化身为璀璨的舞台。流行音乐社带来的歌曲串烧,中英文自如切换彰显了音乐不分国界;韩舞社、街舞社和宅舞社随着音符律动,与节奏热浪为伴;乐剧社透过歌声,深情演绎着剧院中流传的动人传说与故事…… 本届嘉年华还特别加入巡演环节,各社团的Cosplay爱好者与人偶角色纷纷汇聚于足球场中央表演,与观众亲密互动,集邮留念。这一环节不仅展现了社团成员们的创意与才华,更将嘉年华的热烈氛围推向了顶点。

The most captivating area was the performance zone, where the basketball court transformed into a dazzling stage surrounded by enthusiastic spectators. The Pop Music Club performed a medley of songs, effortlessly switching between Chinese and English, showing that music transcended borders. The K-Pop, Street Dance, and Anime Dance Clubs moved to the beat, embodying the energy of the music, while the Musical Theater Club passionately told heartfelt stories through song. This year's carnival also featured a parade, with cosplay enthusiasts and puppet characters gathering at the center of the football field to perform and interact with the audience, creating unforgettable moments. This part of the event not only showcased the creativity and talents of the club members but also elevated the carnival's atmosphere to its peak.


K-Pop Dance Club Performance


Anime Dance Club Performance


Street Dance Club Performance


Original Music Club Performance




As the school bell rang, signaling the end of the carnival, students left either satisfied or wishing for more, with the orange sunset closing another chapter in their high school memories. The success of this lively event was the result of careful planning by both teachers and students, the hard work of the clubs, and the enthusiastic support of all participants. WHBC, as a vibrant and inclusive school, upheld its open and diverse educational philosophy, encouraging every student to showcase their talents and express themselves. In the future, may students continue to push boundaries, embrace challenges in club activities, and carry this spirit as they explore the world and work toward a brighter future!