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作者:英中学校    来源:本站原创  点击数:4229  更新时间:2024-09-30


有一种感动,如炽烈的火焰,那叫 “中国红”;

A feeling that burns brightly, a fierce spirit called “China Red”;

有一种骄傲,似璀璨的星辰,那叫 “五星红旗”;

A pride that shines brilliantly, like the stars of the “Five-Starred Red Flag”;

有一种深情,像深沉的海洋,那叫 “我爱你中国”;

A love that runs deep, as vast as the ocean, expressed in “I Love You, China.”

有一种感情,若巍峨的高山,那叫 “爱国情”!

A sentiment that stands tall, like mighty mountains, known as “Patriotic Feelings”!

金秋十月,硕果累累,芬芳四溢。我们即将迎来祖国母亲 75 岁的华诞,万众欢腾,神州同庆。在这举国欢庆的神圣时刻,我校小学部精心举办了一系列精彩纷呈的活动,让孩子们在欢乐的氛围中深切感受祖国的辉煌成就,激发他们内心深处对梦想的执着追求,培育他们的中国心和世界眼,助力他们成为具有国际视野的新时代人才。

In the golden autumn of October, we are surrounded by abundant harvests and fragrant blooms as we prepare to celebrate the 75th birthday of our motherland. Joyful crowds across the country come together for this momentous occasion. During this time of national festivities, our primary school division has carefully organized a series of engaging activities. These events allow children to experience the remarkable achievements of our nation in a festive atmosphere, igniting their passion for their dreams, nurturing their sense of what it means to be Chinese, and helping them to become internationally-minded in this new era.


“To establish oneself, one must prioritize learning, and to learn, one must read.” History serves as the best textbook. To instill a deep love for the Party and the nation in children, while encouraging them to embrace revolutionary traditions and the red gene, teachers guide younger students through heroic stories found in picture books. This helps them grasp steadfast beliefs and noble values, fostering a sense of national pride and ensuring that the red gene and revolutionary spirit are passed down through generations. The children express their visions of the Chinese Dream through their innocent drawings, allowing the seeds of patriotism to take root and flourish in their young hearts!

高年级的孩子们思考更为深邃,创作也更为多元。他们那一双双灵巧的小手,仿佛拥有神奇的魔力,将平凡的材料变幻成一件件生动传神、意义非凡的艺术杰作。有的以鲜艳的五星红旗为主题作画,象征着祖国的荣耀与尊严;有的用色彩斑斓的画作描绘出心中祖国的美好未来;还有的用超轻黏土捏出独一无二的航天模型…… 每一件作品都是同学们对祖国深情厚谊的真挚表达,是孩子们用童真与才华编织的最美祝福,展现了他们对祖国的热爱和对世界的关注。

Older students engage in deeper reflections and produce a wider variety of works. Their skilled hands seem to possess a magical ability, transforming ordinary materials into vibrant and meaningful artistic masterpieces. Some create paintings featuring the bright five-star flag, symbolizing the glory and dignity of our nation, while others express their beautiful visions for the future of their homeland through colorful artworks. Still, others craft unique space models using lightweight clay. Each piece serves as a heartfelt expression of their deep affection for the country, blending innocence with talent and showcasing their love for their homeland alongside their concerns for the world. 


泱泱华夏,山河壮丽。75 年风雨兼程,75 年光辉岁月。我校学子以最诚挚的方式,表达对祖国的深沉热爱。借此国庆节来临之际,让我们共同祝愿伟大的祖国繁荣昌盛,国泰民安!愿我校的孩子们在国际化的教育环境中,既能怀揣中国心,传承中华文化的精髓,又能拥有世界眼,汲取世界各国的优秀文化,成为具有国际竞争力的新时代人才,为祖国的繁荣富强、为世界的和平与发展贡献自己的力量!

Across the vast landscapes of China, majestic mountains and rivers narrate a journey of 75 years filled with challenges and achievements—a rich history to be proud of. Our students express their deep love for their motherland in the most heartfelt ways. As we approach this National Day, let us join together in wishing our great nation prosperity and peace! In an international educational environment, may our children carry a Chinese heart, inherit the essence of Chinese culture, and embrace a global perspective by learning from different cultures around the world. In doing so, they can become internationally competitive talents of the new era, contributing to both the prosperity and strength of our nation as well as to global peace and development!