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TOEFL and IELTS test high-score summary from Wuhan Britain-China school

作者:英中学校    来源:本站原创  点击数:3122  更新时间:2021-04-14


This summary displays the scores and test results of the students performing in the TOEFL and IELTS test, ranging from 7th to 12th grade, who also currently study in Wuhan British-China school employing the international standardized curricula: IBMYP, IBDP, AP and A Level.


Of the language test takers, 351 are qualified as good language users in the TOEFL or IELTS test. The number of students achieving 100 or higher in the TOEFL test is 192, and that acquiring 7 or higher in the IELTS test is 159. Of the TOEFL test takers, 69 fall in the high score spectrum from 105 to 109. More importantly, 73 students whose language abilities and skills can parallel college-educated native language users, scoring 110 or higher in the test. Analogous to that, the IELTS test takers who score a 7.5, and an 8 or even higher are 57 and 11 respectively. It is worth mentioning that young as they are, these students are certified as “very good users”, according to the official band descriptive statement issued by the ETS or University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations.


Among these top students, some names should be proudly mentioned. Zhang Xin Tong and Wu Yi Ming scored 110 and 109 in their very first TOEFL tests, graduated in the year of 2018. A year before, Zhang Xiao Han, Li Wen Shan and Liu Ze Ran scored 112, 111 and 107. These students all educated under the IBMYP curricula project, and they should be honored.


Best  wishes  for  the  students  mentioned  above  and  sincere  gratitude  in  the  direct acknowledgement of the relentless efforts made by both international and domestic faculty, particularly those from the test training department.