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Congratulations to WHBC students for their excellent performance in the 2021 CML

Author:WHBC   Source:WHBC   Browse:1937   Edit date:2021-06-11

Yesterday, the Continental Mathematics League (CML) results were announced. The first grade student of our school, Liu Zhinuo, and the ninth grade student of our school, Wang Kaihao, got perfect full scores in this competition. Also, Liu Zhinuo and Wang Kaihao won the Perfect Score/TOP 10/Gold Award. Pan Yuanqi and Xiao Jiyun won the TOP 10/Gold Award. Xia Jiqi won the TOP 10/Silver Award. Tang Yunjin and Gan Lin won the Gold Award. Liu Lijia, Xiao Yirong, Zhou Chenli, Li Yi Zhixin, Hu Xinyuan, Deng Bowen, Luo Ziyin, Sun Zehua, Han Doyang and Shu Yimo won the Silver Award. Xu Ziyi, Sun Zeran, Yang Yuhan, Wei Mingfeng, Zhao Yishu, Gao Yinxuan, Zhou Kaiwen, Rao Xinrui, Zhu Runmin and Zhao Yihang won the Bronze Award. Our school also won the Grade 7 & 9 Global Intercollegiate Award.



PRE: Congratulations to WHBC students for their excellent performance in 2021 Math Kangaroo

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